Sunday, November 23, 2008

過大禮 part 2 : One step closer

The boy’s family’s gifts acknowledged the parents’ efforts in raising the girl, and by accepting the gifts, the girl’s family pledged her to the boy’s. It is interesting to note that the bride was given to the family rather than the groom alone, bethrotal was considered binding unless both families agreed to annul the contract.
In the past, several days after the presentation of the betrothal gifts, the girl’s family sent porters with an inventoried dowry to the boy’s house. The dowry consisted of practical items, including a chamber pot, filled for the occasion with fruit and strings of coins. This procession gave the girl’s family the opportunity to display both their social status and their love for their daughter.

However, current days and practice, normally these were exchanged on the same day itself.

Placed nicely to display to relatives the dowry items

We tabao our breakfast!

Relatives already here waiting for the groom

The boy's family arrival

The bethrotal gifts

In old practice, instead of roasted meat, a whole roasted piglet was to be given to the girl's family and in return, the head and tail of the piglet was to be retain by the family. Currently practice changes again, we returned a part of the roasted meat to the boy's family.

The whole event ended with the boy's family bringing all the dowry back to the new home.

A small celebration after having gone through the tradition custom.

The poor bride groom still smiling before an expensive dinner!!!

thank god i wasn't there to share the burden! Lol

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