Thursday, November 20, 2008

Moment of Fury

Do you know at times when people are very very furious, they tend to act without thinking and go with their emotions!

I just did....i was so agitated by my mum that i posted something bad...and jus after one drama, i decided to remove it. That means, my forgiveness and tolerance level is pretty high!!
Forgive and forget in a split seconds.

I am unlike petty, i am not a petty person although i always harp non stop for years on the same incident but it is just because i find them as a form of memories! No grudges or anything personal.

Look at petty, i even forgive her for not obeying the rules of online communications such as
1) Never say bye and left for home while i am still waiting for her reply.
2) after a long message i have typed, she sluggishy reply "oic"
3) Terrible mass usage of forbidden words like "pui" "kns", frankly speaking the company security filter should filter them as well

i am soo soooo tired about my work, and things just don seem to move my long more must i wait in order to get my form form form!!!!! Y Derrick get it so easily and me waiting for so long!!!!

Oh check this recommendation on this carrot cake but written vividly by Fen!!!

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