Saturday, March 15, 2014

Flowers day

And after a visit to Plain Vanilla, i thought why not spend a small amount and get some flowers that i can probably allow it to dry and use it for future crafting purposes...

And so this morning, i went to the market and got these...Caspian and the other im not sure what they call it




Probably will just use it today for something!

Plain Vanilla

A place that i have been there for at least 3 times but each time left in disappointment as its always not open.
Yesterday seems to be a lucky day for me and seriously this place is a great hang out area for small chats....peaceful and i love the decorations within the shops.

Plain Vanilla Plain Vanilla

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Goodbye CAG

Finally this marks the end of my journey with CAG. Its definitely one of the best company that i have worked for...
I guess i wont be able to find another place with such great culture...

Im glad that i left on a happy note, i didnt lose anything...but gain a lot more...and just like my character, departure cannot be done should be celebrated and happy! After all i see this as a journey for self discovery and development!

Good bye my friends! My farewell Sob*

My farewell Sob*

My farewell Sob*

My farewell Sob*

My farewell Sob*

My farewell Sob*

My farewell Sob*

My farewell Sob*

My well wishes tumbler!
My farewell Sob*

We will definitely meet up soon!
My farewell Sob*

My farewell Sob*

My farewell Sob*

My farewell Sob*

My farewell Sob*

My farewell Sob*

My farewell Sob*

My box of happy pills..definitely bringing it w me on my journey!
My farewell Sob*

My farewell Sob*