Saturday, May 30, 2009

Walking through Shadows and Lights

Another series of street candids, lights vs shadows. I might have been influenced recently by scanning and reading through other photographer's work and seriously, i am beginning to develop an interest in natural lights and the combination of casting shadows.

As long as i hang my camera on my neck, i will visualize concepts and ideas as i walk. The beginning to become a professional??? I doubt so, think i am going crazy soon. lol

Pictures Pictures and more Pictures!

While waiting in a queue, i saw this when i looked up.





Okay..i really have one last photo to show and it doesn't fall within this category and its such a pity to convert its beautiful colours to black and white.

tonnes of processing...

The Geek Me!!!

Awhile back, while browsing through those online spree website, i came across some specs for sale... As described, “it doesn’t improve your eye sights but improve your looks” So I intend to get a pair and tried.

Yes Yes, its still flying through US clearing all the gantries, and while waiting, I gotten another pair at parkway when I pass by it...

How do I look? Geek ???? the only blur picture I can show, thanks to my dear sister who shot me at weird angles giving me double chin..haha...

My thoughts after wearing this specs, indeed, it doesn’t improve your vision and apparently worsen it a bit due to the fact that it was made of plastic and this plastic lens blurred no matter how I wipe...
Okay..this is just part of the many things I decided to put on for my Dinner and Dance which is coming soon.

I visited Aquarama 09, however unlike past year, it was pretty disappointing. There isn’t much things to see other than the competition booth.

Heard there were just 168 organizers involved which has dropped quite a fair bit compared to last year.

Some random pictures I took there…press and shoot. Enjoy!








This gold fish is as huge as a watermelon!


Friday, May 29, 2009

Tokina 12-24mm F4

Today marks the day i finally tested my tokina 12-24mm ultra wide angle lens!

What more can i say when the lens itself is a legend!

Test shot with HDR processing....i am going to use it for my next few trips!
Airport HDR

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Single Light Photography - Shadows

“Photography is all about lights” quoted by many well known photographers. It’s all about handling the lighting technique. How you control the lighting, how you manage the amount of light and how you use lighting in your picture.

I am really a new into this stage and I believe I should explore more in this area and since I spend most of timing under day light, I thought maybe I can try to get some idea around me. I will start off with Single lighting.

I shot this which was hanged beside my window. Natural day light reflected thru the windows

Took this at my sis’s place and her house happen to have strong day light that can pierce through her living room. Roses

Lighting and Shadows are always a package that either compliments or spoil each other. Depending on how the subject carries it in a picture.

I tried and these are the effects…


Roses under Single Light source but doesnt seems to fall within the above category because of the weak theme but a little pity not to post them here u r..Red red roses


Hopefully, I can experience more different lighting techniques along the way!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Shopping Spree...Celebrations

I finally cleared my IPT and IPPT for this year!!! For once I managed to complete my 2.4km without walking. Yes!!! Although It’s not remarkable, its a little achievement to me that I felt I should just record down.

Guess what, I thought I should reward myself for all these hard work and maybe get a little present for myself so I stopped over at Parkway to search for my ideal watch. It was unfortunately out of stock and I had to place a reservation for it but out of generosity, I have gotten another piece first.

Titans..over ted bakers and Kenneth cole. Found it quite classy to go with my shirts.




Along the way, I bought quite a few things and did some research. Sometimes it is really fun to go shopping and spend without much consideration. The impact will come next month for sure. Hopefully, the bonus will come sooner than the credit cards bill.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Not a very good week

I might be pregnant. If not, why am I feeling nauseas almost everyday?
Guess I won’t want to put down all the little frustration I had on my own blog, that is why I changed my blog title from “A worst week” to “A not very good week”. Haha…Okay, since given up all the hopes, it is time to buck up and face the coming challenges.

Work has been hectic for me these days especially when I’m in my moody mood.
There seems to be only one thing that can keep me awake despite all these. Not bonus but photography!

Yup, no time to go out for scenery shoots but I was reading a very inspiring book that teaches me how I should look at things from another perspective. Anything around me can be a subject and so I tried moving around my house to frame things that I always see but not really saw!


Guess I really need to view life from another angle as well so to keep my life more meaningful and motivated!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Weekends so short

I have got so many things lined up for my weekends, and each weekend, I just kept postponing them to the next week. I didn’t even have time for my camera. Busy with clearing my IPT, busy with cash, busy with reading, busy with work. Erm…busy with work? Ok, busy with breeding fishes.
Yes, I did and I restart the whole hobby again.
I am in need of more cash and that is my new objective; I am seeking other means to make myself richer.
1. Breed more fishes and sell them away.
2. Hoping someone will hire me to take pictures of their new born, their house, themselves?
3. Buy abit of 4D and cross my fingers I get a payout ratio of 1:100.

Okay all these are just my wishful thoughts. Think I should just go do my work properly and wait for the bonus or increment to come like each and everyday.

Pictures I took while I was halfway typing this entry. I just couldn’t bear the thought that I spend quite a lot on my gadgets and not touching them at all.




Oh congrats to Closet-elves for opening their online blog shop tonight.
Do give them a visit

P.S, the nicer pictures are taken by me. The not so nice pictures shouldn't be me. Haha

Friday, May 15, 2009

Spending and spending

I have been spending and spending more than I can save. Each time I spend, my mum will ask me to spend on her as well. I call this splurging.
Worse part, my career is not advancing; I am purely sitting and waiting for it to progress. Each day I wait for my promotion, I cross my fingers hoping that the increment is significant, during weekends hoping for some 4D luck. Oh gosh, yes I am a human who is being impractical and these are called unrealistic.
Please don’t ask me why I don’t work hard for them but spend time thinking. I did and I tried, but like mum says, all these are your destiny.
I am just so tired and sick about interview session and all the sweet talking to the panel of judges. I gave it for most of these sessions an 8/10 but life isn’t fair.
Because I am not the one who DECIDE and the one who make the CHOICE!

Anyway, life in office is pretty quiet, peaceful and comfortable. So much so I missed the times of those stressful and challenging works. I think I would have forgotten that I am being paid working each day too.

Sigh. I can’t believe I am writing a rather depressing entry today and this must be the influence from meeting Petty at airport. So coincidentally bump into her at the escalator.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Roses are Red?

Roses Roses
Rose petals

We adore you

One is never enough

And a bundle makes people envious

And when red roses starts to fade

it loses it shines

And when its left with just one petals, no one will remember how it once looks like.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Waterfall and Down Streams

Ever wonder why people go through the hazard to get themselves a DSLR when point and shoot are getting better and smaller? The most common question everyone asks is “How many megapixel is your camera?” Apparently, this has been set as a mark by many people to differentiate how good the camera is. And if you ask me, yes, it does make a difference to your camera and the quality of the picture but it is only the one out of many factors and definitely not the main factor for a picture to turn out great.

Trust me, if not, you can easily get a Casio Exlim 15 megapixel camera and use that to compare with the quality of the pictures taken by any Canon or Fujifilm camera with a lower megapixel.

Okay back to the discussion why would people love to carry a DSLR when it’s heavier, much more expensive, need to switch lenses for different purpose while you can get macro etc on a compact, the need to carry lots of props for just a shooting session and many other reasons that I am unable to list down here one by one.

However, I feel that the only reason why would people want to go thru so much effort for a photo is the fact that they wanted control over their photographs.

Let the picture do the talking then. Other than cropping, I have done nothing else to process these pictures.





The beauty of having the control over the shutter speed.

Revisiting Botanic Garden

The first visit to Botanic garden was with Lainey which was 3 months ago. Back then, I just bought my Canon Ixus 870 and was really a newbie in photography. After 3 months, I revisited Botanic garden with my DSLR. Hopefully, you guys can gauge if I did improved over time.

Finally after 2 shooting session, I managed to get use to my Tammy lens justifying it’s capability and quality.

Look at the sharpness and the depth of field beside the flowers. The IQ picked up pretty easily on its focus point.


The Bamboo forest under the bright sun

A place for couples and family



This little boy is so cute, he walk all the way towards the top of the slope. Glide down and climb again



At the Swan Lake



Viewing some interesting angles..



Hope you enjoyed the pictures!

My main purpose for this trip was to capture the many water streams and waterfalls in the park and I did. I will save those for my next entry.