Sunday, May 17, 2009

Weekends so short

I have got so many things lined up for my weekends, and each weekend, I just kept postponing them to the next week. I didn’t even have time for my camera. Busy with clearing my IPT, busy with cash, busy with reading, busy with work. Erm…busy with work? Ok, busy with breeding fishes.
Yes, I did and I restart the whole hobby again.
I am in need of more cash and that is my new objective; I am seeking other means to make myself richer.
1. Breed more fishes and sell them away.
2. Hoping someone will hire me to take pictures of their new born, their house, themselves?
3. Buy abit of 4D and cross my fingers I get a payout ratio of 1:100.

Okay all these are just my wishful thoughts. Think I should just go do my work properly and wait for the bonus or increment to come like each and everyday.

Pictures I took while I was halfway typing this entry. I just couldn’t bear the thought that I spend quite a lot on my gadgets and not touching them at all.




Oh congrats to Closet-elves for opening their online blog shop tonight.
Do give them a visit

P.S, the nicer pictures are taken by me. The not so nice pictures shouldn't be me. Haha

1 comment:

fionisis said...

eh...wad rubbish....all the photos are taken by u!!! hahaha