I think I should try to write more without the presence of attractive pictures before turning my blog into some photography journal. Nonetheless, I have been pretty progressive in my photography?
Digressing, I am quite irritated with my hair & frankly after so many years, my hair has always left me disgruntled with or without a cut.
Unlike girls, both physically and psychologically, we always felt it look like a piece of mud with no warnings when it grows out of control.
(Yes, we grumble when it grows and grumble more when it don’t grow) I am those that act on impulse each time I felt that my hair can’t be styled. I will almost immediately schedule an appointment and get it done.
Thank god for the mass availability of stylist these days that really has a bit of standard. Unlike the past, you really got to pray before having the cut and cross your fingers throughout the session and for those weak hearted ones, who can’t accept the truth that the hair is gone and you are stick with something that sure steal “glances” from the crowds, will hide in the toilet and cry their hearts out. I wasn't spared. Look at all my childhood picture till primary 6 and you will know i always has "Owl fringe", yes the one in my IC too. The barber imposed standards and start the fashion with this 3 inch above eyebrows fringe which even if i try lower my eyebrows like doing eyebrows push up....he will still "3 inch". I was always being laughed by others...Yes so much for my childhood.
Erm…so should I say I am looking for trouble or backside itchy? I have a premonition. It will go all wrong, but I convinced myself, I cant be so suay…I even forsake my self esteem by printing a picture to bring it along with me to show her. Guess if you are a stranger and you see a guy like me stealing out a picture from his bag to show the hair stylist, i bet you will laugh at me.

I spend 3 mins printing it, she spend 3 secs glancing it and say okay and start cutting and this is the time I knew I really had to trust her, trust that she has perfect memory and eye sight or countless experience in cutting the same hair style which perhaps all the guys who came also take the same picture. I knew I can’t be so lucky.
So if you see me now, please please, give me a bit of sympathy. Don’t start the conversation with “er…” and staring at my hair.
Yah, Fion called and maybe like what i told her, tomorrow morning when i wake up, my hair will be 2 weeks from now and the color will be so vivid. Dream on....
STOP LAUGHING all of you!!!
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