Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bossess..the different types

I cheered in the last post about my application form signed, now, i am facing the next level of obstruction. It seems forever to get my things signed. 王八蛋 Sigh!

Something happened yesterday which gave me a really good topic to blog about.

How well are you in managing your job and duties?
And how well are you in managing your boss?
Which is more important????

To me, i felt that both are equally important!!

Just share this small little discussion here k and identify to your best which category your boss falls into...

The Inspiration Leader

Born to lead, this group of people is easy going. Full of Charisma and draws attention as well as respect from others.
What you can do
There is basically nothing much extra required of you by just doing your work well.

The MR/MS Knows it all

There is likelihood that 50% he might knows it or vice versa, whatever it is, these people just love to show off. They might even at the expense of performing plagiarism to just claim credit for them.
What you can do
Try your best not to challenge her decision nor nod your head readily everything he/she provides an answer (just in case the answer isn’t right and backfires on you)
To get in his/her flavor, just idolize her like any of your idol. No one will hate listening to praises especially for them.

Mr/Ms Clear-Cut

Straight forward, honest, furious easily, someone that doesn’t play politics but extremely straight forward and blunt in his actions or responses.
What you can do
Just try to be as simple as you can. Too sophisticated communications wouldn’t work on them. Crappy jokes will leave you in a cold spot and any praises etc will deem you childish.

Mr/Mrs Aggressive

Aggressive normally tag along with unreasonable as a package. These people are just so defensive about themselves and saying the wrong word would normally end you in a battle. Lack of trust, offensive and irritating, describe them best. They are mostly loners and everyone tends to stay as far from them as possible. Somehow, they seem to have some capability in managing their work which would be the only reason why they are your boss!
What you can do
Try your best to not step on the landmine!!! Don’t be lazy and buy the Saturday straits times to flip the recruitment session.


How stubborn can a person be? You will be surprise that in this world, there are really so many stubborn bulls that insist to work things in their own way. No matter how you convince them, the decision won’t move. Even till results shown that they are incorrect, they will still insist they are! Oh, they just love reasoning, but bias!!!
What you can do
Leave them alone. Since you are not a bull dozer, there is no point to even try convincing them. They will only perceive you as rebellious. Just try your best to follow what they ask you to do but not forgetting to self insured yourself with a black and white instruction that you are doing for them.

Scheming/Petty Fox

Politics, politics and more politics! Sometimes it makes you wonder why they are not politician but succumb themselves upon the role of a manager suffering in a small room and speaking to a small group of staff.
Black-stabbing, petty, putting on a false front and smiling non stop at you like your closest friend but meddle into your privacy and construct them into another story that interest everyone else and deny any allegations as the author!
What you can do
Wear a bullet vest 24/7 a day and gear yourself up for some real politics! Studies show that politics make you grow stronger but if you can’t handle them well, would cause you your health. My advice, try find another new boss or just hope she will leave before you.

Last but not least

??? BOSS

By mistake, she was hired and apparently, she doesn’t know anything, she can’t do anything, and she is worse off than a fresh graduate but she is your boss.
What you can do
Either you support her full strength from behind and negotiate some really pre advance AAA+ appraisal or leave her to die plus gloat at her pathetic plight.

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