Shiyuan is away in korea for a holiday with her family and this would mean that the CFO’s covering PA is Ah Long!
And I just cant resist irritating her about her “favourite” duty as a PA.
I started snapping her and promising her a blog entry tonight.
And here’s a shot of her…the best I could get before she turned nasty. Haha…

You know there is always a price to pay for being mean. But I never thought it will come so soon.
Immediately after that, I received a message from home saying my camera all are soaked in water. My sis told me my thirsty hippo got toppled over and the water leaked and apparently the “cheapo” me uses those imitation “thirsty hippo”, and once toppled, the sealing isn’t enough to sustain the water.
Who would have guessed that “thirsty hippo” isn’t thirsty anymore and started vomiting.
Ranting all over the phone about clearing the mess, oily water, etc…mum just didn’t tell me what really happened to my “precious”. My mind simply just went gaga “$500 for the body, $600 for this lens, $700 for wide angle lens…books, accessories….”. And I think I nearly fainted, my entire asset has just been depreciated to value $0.
I just couldn’t wait for my half day leave to start before I took my bag and ran home once Sheryl gave the go ahead. Valerie was still asking me to help her with applying some passes for the auditors and I apologise and left. But i did return back office for lunch after that..on and off, i was given 2 hours time off.
I must have been blessed. All except a book cover was unsalvageable, nothing seems to gone wrong. Think I will monitor for a few days and these days, its better to keep using all items in case any water still remains and brings friend Mr Fungus for a visit.
On and all, I think it’s a hint given to me. Never buy $2 things at the sacrifice of a few thousands. Its really time for me to get a digi cabinet to store these lens properly and a $200 cabinet that controls humidity last a long time.
Yes. Next month, I am getting it!
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