Leave for the better..and to attain peace and calmness...
Lately i had been too tense up...grouchy and agitated at the slightest things....
Since now i have this chance, shouldnt i just grab???
Everyone is now asking me...where are you leaving? When are you leaving....
My answer to them is sooon....very soon..and before you knew it, boom...Im actualli gone...
N if u are a reader of my blog....u will know....my confirmation...gone in 2 more days!!!!
Where? Isnt it a norm when people leave a post, they dont mention it till they are fully off relationship with the place???
But...you know i cant keep secret..so might as well leak some news out here....
Khatib Camp....
Reservist for 2 weeks!!! Yuppie.....and i tot my farewell would at least gotten some saddness and ermm cherishing from friends and colleagues...but seems like i am all wrong again...
"SOB" ~ i aint popular after all.....
Actually was still thinking of chatting with my dearest friends and colleagues in office but this is what happens....
Attendance of my GTALK COMRADES

3 MCs (??? having funs), 1 work from home...2 others disappear along the way.....
Haiz..another lonely day..but thou they are not here, i didnt give them up....
I mean i pester them still....
starting with Jing
9.32am (Phone)
Jing: "Cough", u ok a not today?
Me: Yeah...r u ok too? so u seeing doc now? Y suddenly so unwell?
"Disturb"(going orchard etc??? long queue??)
Jing: Yah, last nite start coughing badly...."cough cough"
Ermmm i call you back later
10.00am (gtalk)
Status: Busy...
Tagline: Working from Home
CherylW: Hey i am working from home today!
Me: Woahh everyone isnt here today....
CherylW: Yeah i .......(secret messages)
Me: Haha...really a tai tai life
CherylW: Later im going to........(censored, cos its another secret in case get her some AHEM from her "table" of sworn fellows =D)
Me: Okay enjoy your day
Pipi (ermm pls don ask me regarding her weird nick)
Status: Online
Me: Pipi....i finally found u online..everyone's dead
Pipi: Yeah I am sick.....newbie on MC too
Me: That makes 3 of you on MC
Pipi: Oh Jing also MC?
Me: Yes...are you 3 going for some shopping spree???
Pipi: I am really sick....i am going to sleep...seeya
12.32pm (SMS)
-an sms to check if jing is done with her doc....(so poor thing..sick for almost 2 weeks)
Me: What did the doc say???
Jing: Doc give me cough syrup and plegm thing...i got things to tell you later..call ya later.....
Me: (Exaggerating as usual)
Jing: Nothing much la..tell ya later=D
Since i know newbie is sick...
sms her in the morning..and her reply came quite late....think she is genuine sick....
Me: Newbie...where are you all? At the retreat?
Newbie: Sick..me and pipi sick
Me: Where the 2 of you going later? Hows the weather at Orchard???(Prank)
Newbie: ............
Me: Sorry, was just kidding...ermm what did the 3 of you had last nite?
Newbie: 3??? Only me and louise niah....nasi lemak..im gastric issue and pipi headache. Any link? (okay me confirm not all 3 playing traun)
Me: Ermm....maybe if later i see u girls at orchard, there would be some link...=)
.........conversation continued awhile..........
newbie: i am going to sleep...seeya tomo...
Arrggg cant stand the quietness...sounding out....to Jing yet again....wats the thing she wanted to share???
5.20pm sms to Jing
Me: Remember to drink more water, eat fruits later at dinner and rest well!!!
Jing: Hee....Thanks....talk to ya later....
WAHHHHHHHHHH........."later" again....=P
Ermmm...what is with this later???.....so later is?????? hello....i don have much later.....the sky is dark now at 8pm...so probably the later might be tomo?? if not..ermmm 2 weeks lateR???
=O (hee clarifying...no being mean..just disturbing..this girl pretty sensitive)
FINALLY!!! (nice sms melody from my hp) come on finalli the later is only this late...haha....
Speechless......Sms shows
4D wed 25.06.2008
1st prize: 5364
2nd prize: 9089
3rd: 6021
(pls tips me abit if u see familiar no. on top)
Giving up the wait....I guess i am fated to be lonely today.....giving almost 100% at work today and bound to my desk picking every calls to just keep me going...even sparing WKiang 20 mins since i cant be choosy at this time.....
I really wish to tell all my G comrades....please advance notice me also next time....maybe we can have a BBQ or Mahjong Title Competition....
Ermm not feigning sickness but i am probably feeling unwell..like cough....sore throat......on days like this.....=)
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