I was late for the event but i managed to catch a glimpse of her. Too bad, i wasn't good enough with my camera and missed alot of opportunity to get some direct shots.
The event drew very little crowd which was expected since more than half in my office don't know who Lady GaGa was. To be correct, only 3 person knew who she was.
That was why i could get so near her with no people in front...
Here some of my shots..i think she don really look like her.

Oh yah, jamie was the hosting DJ for the event..and after GaGa left, everyone was asking her for picture session. Reasons? because GaGa came and left within 10 mins..there wasn't much chance for photo taking.
Jamie sat in the middle and don ask me who the rest was, except for Gene and Jessie, the rest i don know and i bet they hated me so much so that they are cutting me away from this picture. We just crash in at the expense of them for this picture. Haha

A professional shot of Lady GaGa..contributed by Yvonne after realising i didnt have a decent shot of her. Pics taken by our hired camera man.

Playing her song here if u don know who she is.
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