Or was it my job that without much noticing becoming more and more stagnant and comfortable?
Anyway, I always tried to spice up my life a little in the evening, so today finally after like half a year, I met up with Wen and Petty.
Away from the roaring streets in town, we chose Central. There isn’t any crowds to begin with but this restaurant that we went to called “Yummy Seoul” was quite nice. Ambience was great and the food is decent. Price wise, it’s quite affordable. The only irritating part is the waiter was standing too close to our table. Yes, although it seems like we were having a personal attendant to ourselves, our conversations also restricted with their presence.
Well, at least I thought Petty would be so nice to insist on being host for this dinner..haha…which she didn’t, rather disappointing.
It seems like these girls has finally grown up and everything was like “just yesterday” when we graduated and now they are planning on settling down and to start their family.
Of course, if you ask me, I would be more than happy for them.
Yeah…I wish them the best and hopefully the next meet up would be at some wedding dinner!

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