A few questions prompted me to not hastily decide and proceed...
1) The current occupants in the tank...2 matured discus and 1 juv discus, where do i house them?
2) How fast can the cloudiness of the soil be settled in the tank?
3) What type of rocks and plants to use?
4) Do i have sufficient budget for this?
This was my first planted tank which i still improvising it since beginning this year... still growing into a mature tank now...
I'll let the picture do the talking.....
The 2nd Discus original tank..A very simple tank
Drawing water out from the tank...
Emptying the tank and washing it...to prepare for the next task
the 2 discus being housed into my sis smaller tank...downgraded from 5 rooms to a 3 room flat with many inmates
Washing the Aqua Soil....
Manage to find a few piece nice rocks...
Soaking them and cleaning them..
Filling up the tank with water....soil is at the base already...
Tank becomes dark and cloudy after water filled....
And.....i discovered that i didnt get enough soil..initially i thought a 5 kg pack of soil would fill it completely...i was wrong....and there isnt anything much i can do now..only to wait till the shop opens tomorrow....and get another 4kg to top up the tank..
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