All thanks to Mok for the invitation! An unclear shot of him...

It was really fun and of course, out of 10 songs i sang, somehow 4 were intended to help lighten up the atmosphere, 4 were really out of pitch and tone, 2 were really trying my best to finish it. Okay ignore me, the session was quite enjoyable! re edited with pics

Oh yah, not forgetting recently winnie came back in contact after 2 years. Its going to be another meet up session soon with these old poly year 3 classmates.
Of course, this month is a work up month for me as well. Mon, Wed, Fri will be GYM day, Sat and Sun are meant for some other sports. Apart from swimming, will be joining Alex's group of friends for roller blading tomorrow. Hopefully, i won't make a fool of myself. For the past one month, i have managed to shed off the tiny belly, its really time to start gaining on mass.
Eating my normal 3 meals a day and some extra meals.
Jeremy invited me for a yacth fishing as well, which i am considering. If i can get some great plans coming that week, would fore go this fishing trip. Not really into fishing and considering what i should do with all those fishes that i am going to catch? But the yacth ride seems to be quite tempting!
Oh ya, how can i forget about my poly year 1 meet up session and that idiotic petty's birthday gift. Sian....its really recession now and how i wish i can save up on her this gift! =P
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