While others are easy sale, these lenses took me a few months to find its new owner.
I got both the lenses at a great discounted price of $150-$180, can’t really recall how much but definitely selling at a gain.
I was contacted by this genuine buyer on Monday who offers to buy them if he tested ok with them. I didn’t know that he was a deaf until he sms me telling me not to call him and I still thought he was pretty cheeky.
When I met up with him, I discovered he has hearing impairment. He was a Malay with his D700 testing the lenses and yet trying to strike a conversation with me. With the accent, and little words that comes out his mouth, I am trying my best to decipher the meaning of them. It was harder to understand them in comparison with speaking to a Jap. I tried to be as normal as I could and as I monitored how he test and shoot with his camera, I suddenly felt that his world might not be as deficient as everyone thought it would be.
Well, after testing, he tried doing a bargaining with me and frankly speaking, if he were to ask for a $50 discount, I would have given it to him too, but he merely asked for a $10 off from the quoted price.
I didn’t offer him more than he asked as I thought it would be more of a sympathetic move and would not be appropriate.
Dealing with him once again reminded me that life is always imperfect…but each day, we should try to stay positive and progress with happiness. Life is short, so don’t waste it.
And i did, i traded off alot of old lenses and cameras for this new rangefinder which i always wanted to test and hands on. They call it a "cheap man's leica".
I dont know when i will sell it away, but meanwhile, i will try to make full use of it. Haha, i should try being happier each day right?

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