Saturday, February 21, 2009

KTV with the SCS group

I decided to name this clique of friends as the SCS group aka Super Clueless Sotongs.
Firstly, it was decided to meet up on Friday for a KTV session at PartyWorld Liang court. Problem is, out of the 4, it seems like I am the only person who knows how to move around at Clarke quay.
Secondly, this place is a total out of place for all 4 of us, north south, east and west, its still inconvenient to all of us. Thirdly, we are going just for the KTV where there are so many others PartyWorld at locations that are much more convenient. Aiyo, its really clueless why we choose this place.

Hey hey but we enjoyed ourselves that night!

The most civilized bunch of ktv peeps that i have came across. 1 decided not to sing but willing to pay for her share, everyone took their time in selecting songs and the song play list for the first hour was always less than 5 songs. If you have ever went KTV with me before, you should have guessed how considerate they were as I was singing more than everyone else.

Here's a pic of the cozy room
The room

Super sweet drinks
The drinks

Basically no one was paying attention when one was singing…distraction all over the place. Everyone sang to themselves…
The trio

I didn’t bring my DSLR that night, but brought my fun compact out…
Me having fun with camera

When they don pay attention to and my candid...
Combine pics

Looking forward to the next outing..

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