Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How flu can be deadly...

This is interesting....and also prove my theory was somehow correct that a similar flu virus cannot be spread twice to the same person.

Flu infection triggers the body's immune system to destroy any cells with the flu virus in and then to produce antibodies to stop reinfection.

Some experts believe that the most serious symptoms of flu are caused by the immune system overreacting to the virus.

scientists studying the most serious strain of flu virus have developed a way of controlling the immune system's response to it, minimising the symptoms of the disease.

Current treatment options for flu include rest, painkillers, antiviral medication and plenty of fluids.

So conclusion is...please rest more, take in more vitamin C, exercise more and these should be able to prevent a flu out break...and yes reading this might be a little useful to you but definitely not reading this in the middle of the nite where you should be resting =)

P.S...for those going to visit hongkong..please go for your injection 2 weeks before visiting =)

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