The first activity at the Resort was to go for our “fusion” SPA that we booked week when there was a one for one promo. Since we can only check-in in the afternoon, we booked the morning slot.
Considering that even after the promotion price, it still seems a little expensive for me. I might be comparing with the past few SPA service that I went in other countries like Zhu Hai, Thai, Batam etc that resulted in such a perception. Well, maybe because of the price, my expectation for Angsana SPA was quite high.
The girls got the early slots and so Vincent and I went for a little walk around the villa while waiting for our session.

We were ushered to level 3 which is like a roof with a very serenity ambiance..and since we opt for a separate room, we have our own privacy in a large room that was meant for 2.
My Therapist waiting outside the room. Very polite and friendly.

This is the Room

Different views of the room. All to myself!

The massage scented oil..which they will mix and match for you.

The changing room, abit too...errr translucent,

Oh and this is the first time, i was requested to go full naked...which i nv did before..and what they offered was just a SARONG...and i got to reassure with my therapist i got her instruction correct. And finally she took me that there are paper "PANTIES" that "if i like", i can change into them for the session! *JAWS DROPPED*
~Blush Blush
Open air shower area

My thereapist, getting ready for my massage.

I must admit that this is the best massage i ever had. I nearly fell asleep!
After massage, they served me with this yummy hot ginger with honey.

Took some pics while im resting after the massage and enjoying the tea

Overall if you have the money and you wanted something a little more prestige, this is definitely good enough. I never experience something like this in Batam, so guess that is what they called "value = quality?"
No pictures for the beaches and surrounding at the moment since I can’t do much with my netbook here. But what I really wanted to share in this entry was the very nice SPA.
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