More interested especially knowing that they do not require fancy setup or a large tank.
These fishes are shell's dweller and as a result of their small built, they require seashells as a part of their habitat to hide and protect themselves.
Lamprologus Meleagris/Stappersi
(Following pics not mine)

I was quite surprise with their specimen of shells and somehow got addicted to collecting these specimens. With each order, they will pack in a souvenir shells as a gesture of goodwill. Don't worry that these shells will get hurt along the way, the packaging for these shells are damaged-proof.

Touching abit on this specie, i am housing them in a tank that is around 1feet. They require high PH and basically some shells for them to hide in due to their shy character, and next, wait...wait for them to spawn and breed. Yes, that's all, isnt it easy?
My meleagies in my small tank set up.

And it was only when i started keeping them that i discovered that shells are hard to come by locally. What some other hobbyist does was to buy some escargot back from NTUC and remove the shells.
I was lucky as i chanced upon a local website selling seashells
I was quite surprise with their specimen of shells and somehow got addicted to collecting these specimens. With each order, they will pack in a souvenir shells as a gesture of goodwill. Don't worry that these shells will get hurt along the way, the packaging for these shells are damaged-proof.
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