Friday, November 27, 2009

I DROVE! Again!

They say if you make a birthday wish, most probably it will come true, and i wasn’t so sure about that until today.
I met jimmy and yong for lunch and I didn’t know they were planning to go JB only till I met them. So we changed our venue to Bugis since they would take a bus into JB.
The night before, I was still thinking of asking him to let me test drive his car and the next day, I drove his car around since he can’t find a parking lot.

I was quite surprised, he trusted me with his car. Ahem, I got to clarify on this part. When he asked me how long I have not driven, I replied, not too long. Which in my memory, it was only 1 year ago. I didn’t lie since I really don’t find it too long. The first time I drove, was 3 years after I have gotten my license.

To my surprise, I drove pretty well! Oh yah, it was really a test drive session, there was heavy rain!(happen everytime) Narrow Carpark! 5mins to park a car before jamming the whole road and I passed the test with no sweat.

Ending the day off doing some delivery services before parking the car nicely at Jimmy place! Oh, I should have wish for a car instead of driving someone car if I knew wishes would be granted so easily. Haha

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