I did a search at flickr and i discovered that MacRitchie Reservoir seems to be a nice place too.
I think it was my first visit to MacRitchie Reservoir since the day i was born. Seems like there are still many places yet to be explored and Singapore isn't really that boring after all.
Okay unlike the past, this round I will be posting my behind the scenes pictures taken from my PROSUMER, giving informations on how I take these pictures so as to allow people to understand how fun it is to own a DSLR and the various things that you can do with it.
These shots are taken at Sunset with my ND8 filter but it was only then that I noticed the lowest aperture my Wide angle lens could go was f22. Without a further ND 4 filter, I could only allow my shutter speed to go as slow as 1.6 seconds before everything gets blown off. The result? I couldn’t get a really smooth water reflection that looks like a mirror with this speed.
And it might be due to the aftermath experience with the disgusting pervert on bus that affect my common-sense to wipe my filter clean before using which resulted from a fair bit of specks on the image which I further removed using software.
Some shots before I go on..

As I am still using an old model DSLR, there is no live view or any swivel LCD screen that enables me to take picture from various angle. In such cases, I had to either kneel down on the floor or base on trial and error if I want to go low.
Making use of whatever tools I had and blocking everyone’s path with my setup.

The Result…

Most of the pictures were taken with tripod, a decent tripod that only allows for decent height from knee onwards. There are some that allow you to start as low as your feet and it cost a huge difference.

With the nice skies, I did a HDR on this shot..something different from the series processing.

Okay, we all know that Photography is all about patience and luck. It is always common for people coming into the frame, but this family is like trying to be funny, I am not sure if they wanted to be in my pictures or what, but they were idling there for so long doing nothing. It was only when I took some pictures below of them before they decide to leave. By then, the sun had already set. But it was good, with the darken surrounding, my shutter speed could go slower and made the water look more smooth.

Some pictures from the above..

It was quite an experience from this trip. Oh by the way, there isn’t any mosquitoes there.
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