March is a month of overflowing birthday babies. To those I knew personally and addressing them as my dear friend, I hope you have a wonderful and satisfying birthday celebrations and may your wishes comes true.
Dad used to remind us that birthday wasn’t a day to be celebrated; in fact, it was the day your mum struggled painfully and finally delivers you to this world.
Although he often disregard this occasion, I do remembered seeing a smile from him on some occasions like this, especially the one for his precious little daughter.
It wasn’t that bad for me either. I remembered he will always surprise me a small gift on my birthday when I was young. I got my first pair of scissor when I was 7 years old. That was the day he felt that I am qualified to own my first pair of scissor. Subsequently, some other gifts I got from him were wallet, watch.
He was a practical person and maybe because of our environment, we need don’t own any unnecessary luxurious products. Toy was considered a luxurious product; in fact the only toy I got from him was LEGO, which he acknowledged the benefit I might derive from playing with it.
Yes we were poor then, but he taught us generosity. To share whatever things we had. I remembered the LEGO didn’t last long with me. My dad asked me to give to my cousin who already owns 20 times more toys than me. I remembered my sister crying over her only Barbie doll that my dad insisted her to pass to another cousin. She was full of tears which I really offer her my sympathy.
My Dad was born in the month of March, so was my mum, my elder sister and now, my brother-in-law. Just spending on gifts alone, it’s a huge amount, less mentioning the treats.
Yes Birthday to me should be fun and enjoyable. Ask me if I remembered how I celebrated my birthday before I reached 24?
Nope, I chose to forget them, my childhood was bad, primary school days were equally bad, secondary was bad as well, the memories was all similar, with my family and relatives thanks to my little sister who happen to fall on the same day as me so mum just “shun bian” celebrate for me as well.
All except the one I remembered during my Poly days, the silly one I asked petty along and she asked Jo and finally the whole class came and shared this “wash once and shrink” fake bathing ape t-shirt after knocking me on a treat at “Fiesta”, my heart bleed for few months. Now thinking back, it might be some professional scams all pre arranged by P****.
Okay moving on, Mum’s present was pretty easy to get, she likes $$$, brother-in-law a simple undemanding dinner treat. The most difficult and threatening was my elder sister. I still remembered how she flares up when I never get her anything.
I really love my family, I just hope my mum don’t always ask me about money, always nagged me to sleep and always rushing me out of my house for work.
I did pretty well this year and I hope I will too in the coming financial year. If possible, I really love to move out of this financial year thing and start on something interesting. Hopefully!
Some interesting pictures we post for this blog!
I'm not inside my own camera again!
Birthday Girl