I was initially planning to buy new clothes, new bags, new shoes in anticipation for this New Year! But somehow because of my Post China trip and my Pre Taiwan trip, i have decided to tighten my wallet and pretend not to see the many "Sales" signboard hanging around the almost all shops.
Well, at the minimum, i convinced myself to at least get a new phone...AN IPHONE!
Spend 20 mins on the phone with M1 Customer service hotline asking for an exemption to allow me to re-contract at 18months free and only after several heated argument, did i realized that there was a promotion, $100 waiver, for Iphone renewal! At least i get another $50 rebate off my handphone bills. lol..
And thanks to my sis who drove me down to paragon to get my Iphone!
So here is my IPHONE finally!

I'm finally an IPhonetic and joined the Apple club!
Oh yah, before i forget, when i was back from China, everyone asked me if i managed to see any 美女 in Suzhou..since its always in the books that Suzhou 出美女..
like for example Carina Lau...
Ermm apparently all the 美女 has left or rather exported out of this place and what was left was considered their 4th grade beauties.
These are the models at the Silk factory, consider Suzhou's best models in town!
We are lucky to catch a glimpse of them.
Good things must share with you guys...
When she first step out, i thought she was the designer or the Emcee for the show.
But i was wrong...I couldn't help giggling non stop at the side when each of them start walking out..they look professional!

When those model wearing the silk pyjamas walked out, i really thought they just woke up from bed...
And here we have the top 5 models in line..
From the left,
1) Madam Butterfly, she forgot to bring her "strapless bra" today for the show...and i thought i found her familiar, until i visited the toilet after the show and saw a look alike cleaner auntie cleaning the urinal....
2)Sadako...i think she idolised the lead actress Sadako after watching "The Ring", from her puffy eyes, she might have caught episode 1-3 last night before hurrying down for the cat walk.

3)She looked the most normal here, and apparently a little "sad" on the stage, i supposed that she got "Tua" to join this group for the catwalk...the rest decided to pull out without informing her.
4)I believed she is one of the silk factory worker that does the silk extraction, there is one of them missing at the station when we toured around the area. Nice fringe that she set, bet she spend a long time to get it right!
5 & 6)Obviously they are related, Mother and daughter both trying to earn some extra income for the family. The Mother looked more experience with her pose.
From my super detailed analysis based on my years of experience, from the picture, No.6 should be a friend of Sadako and both caught the episode 1-3 together last night before Sadako introduced her for this catwalk where due to insufficient models on stage, pulled her mother in as well.
Don't say i didn't bring anything back from China for you guys, i have gotten all their contacts, just let me know which one you are interested, and i will happily pass them to you.
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