In short, it means that you might have spend alot but none of those are really spend on yourself. Or in another word, we cant physically feel the products which resulted in emotionally unbalance.
So i decided that amidst the tight budget i am facing this month...i should really buy something for myself. At least spend on something which i might need.
In my mind....
" I need a new wallet...=>upgrade to a Mont blanc.
I need a new old school shoes to match my dark coloured jeans =>Converse limited edition.
I need a new casual bag...=>Porter.
I need a pair of slim jeans...=>Levi's.
I need 2 new shirts for occasions...=> G2k black label.
I need casual Polo Tshirt...=> Levi's, Converse, Everlast, Giodarno."
In conclusion, the more i think, the list keep lengthening in my mind.
Past few days, i have been checking out things. Mont Blanc doesnt seems to have the card holder design which i am looking for and the Wallet seems a little too big for me to carry. (Eliminate item 1)
Converse doesn't have the dark coloured pair of old school boys design which i saw in Hongkong. Not even the Special shop at Cineleisure carries any similar pair. (Eliminate item 2)
I went to Porter on Saturday along the way to taka for a class gathering. Although, there was a 9% discount, i couldnt find something similar which alex is carrying! (Eliminate item 3)
Haha...since the choice has been stream line to just a few, it seems much easier to spend within the budget i allocated for my own September month end shopping spree...
I went sun bathing in the morning and make an early arrival at vivo....
While waiting for S & C's arrival this afternoon at Vivo and i had the extra bit of time to do my own quiet shopping....i went to check out the shops...
Some must get for myself...
Item 1) Facial watson, i got these using my credits from the Everyday POSB card.
Don underestimate these cheap mask...but they are damn good (Own Opinion)
Item 2) I went past Everlast and surprisingly this Polo T which i had been aiming since my last outing with Fion Haze was on a 30% discount. The sales was pretty friendly....i actually picked another new arrival item with no discount but she told me that somewhere in dec, there would be another i put that back.
I went further to a few other stores and finally settle down at PageOne since S & C are going to be further late. One bad habit about girls...they really need to hire a dedicated PA to keep track of their timing and plan their schedule...
Item 3)Anyway, i was self reading this book which kept me going. I wrapped it up before meeting them..Hell it was very heavy which add additional loads to my heavy bag.
In all, i enjoyed my shopping least i got things for myself! And so it inspires me to meet less and gather less but spend more on myself...
Erm...dear friends...if we were to meet, instead of feasting horribly and make my belly off program into belly more program, why not we meet for shopping???
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