Next, the passion of YongHau aka FG for Olivia...the talented up rising star!
Of course Olivia Ong herself being so sporty!
Not forgetting the v nice House Owner, Olivia's cousin cum Big Sister Cheryl at work and her friendly husband!
Me and the Nice camera T2
Me and the Big sister Cheryl in her cubicle
When we reached Cheryl's place...i promised Cheryl to show some nice pic of her beautiful flat...
Immediately when we reached....snap snap snap
Before lights are on...look at that nice cat there...ok i really got to share this...Haha along the way when we met this cat, someone was trying to put me down when i said i was a little scare of cats...but it turns out that the kettle is calling the pot black...=)
Lights on....the cat got chased out...
While waiting...
Me n jessie making funny faces
When Cheryl is not around
FG's most anticipated time of his life....Olivia was here finally....
And everytime when you meet someone famous...its good to give some thoughts and comment. She is really very natural in person, pretty, talented, genuine and really those showing "no air"..despite her being so famous at her age...
Hopefully she still remembers our names after like 20years =)oppss haha....correction 2months later i mean...
Final few pics taken with Cheryl's approval to showcase....
Thanks Cheryl and hubby and Olivia for making this a wonderful nite
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