So sad....the day started with a mourning 1yr old discus got body peeling and passed away in the middle of the night not even giving me a chance to bid it farewell....
now my poor papa and mama discus both look so sad...and spot the poor little remaining one hiding at one corner..
Well at times small incident like this does bring us to think of some possibilities in life. Most importantly remind us that in life at times, we should treasure the ones beside us more and not wait for things to happen or disappear before we discover its missing...
That goes for me when my dad was around. Compared to my younger sis, i didnt had much time accompanying him after my poly days...
And if you ask me.. how i wish i could have taken care of him much better.
Okay so these are all past..but at times there are some difficulties that not refrain you from doing advice..if you think it does makes a difference and u are the one that has the power to decide...then please decide carefully...
Thats why, if you ask me...i will never wait...i am never a patient or impatient person but i seldom wait for things to i do not believe in will still move on and the globe is still moving..nothing stops..and so we shouldnt as well....rite?
Fight for what you want in life dear friends! Cheers!
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