This episode features all my nice friends at work.
Photo shoot for Annual report 07/08
Me and Cheryl Soh getting into the mood!!!! hey not too bad rite.....the shots was pretty fast and we ermmm didnt laugh off the scene rite....still quite professional as a free lance model for CAAS!
Ms Cheryl Soh from IR (Blur blur...always catch no balls =) but thats you!!! and cry baby, please don cry anymore!)

Me, Jessie Ng and Cheryl (both from AT)....ermm...outside the toilet....i think we really pose anywhere and anytime!
Big Sister Cheryl who alway likes to frown in her cubicle.....other than that, she is super nice! My favourite tea Kaki !

Next up => Me and Jessie in her new dress at her cubicle!!!!
The happy go lucky girl who always smile and has a big heart!!! Super generous and forgiving!! Nice companion at work but ermm....too distracting at times =) becos she is just Too nice!!!

Unhappy Haze and Happy Shi Yuan posing for this purpose!!!!(Had a hard time taking this pic)
Haze, my breakfast kaki....milk and tea girl!!! Never sigh once when ask for a favour!!!
Shi yuan, My super nice buddy and neighbour! Although not much time to chat, u are always helping me out with chores!!!
Thanks for all the chocolates both when i look troubled k!

Okay this next one will be goes down to the first day i saw this manager to be....sitting outside our finance meeting room...
Fion my all time favourite manager aka best confide in finance...always pulling her for some hot dates during lunch time...always sneak into her cubicle..always ate her goodies...always look after my plants
Never once she show any temper!! Ermm since the time crystal and me...u r now left with me alone so please treat me 2 times better k!!!

Fion Phoon pretending to be busy in her "yun de gong zhou shi"!!

Next up, Eugene Sim...sorry bro..lately we seldom talk...seldom hang out but i know you are still a nice buddy!!!! Busy at work!!!!

Up next, Sharon Tan from Corp Com...she told me to write this...nice and pretty!!! Okay and i did...
She is nice and grouchy...easily stressed but overall quite nice!!! Always looking out for me and cheryl soh!!! Nice friend!

Barbara Cheng, I am soo sooo sorry......I didnt really saved the pic contributed..nevermind i choose one nice one for you!!!
Introduce Ms Barbara Cheng from HR! Rich Tai Tai wannabe and her favourite word "Chey" Always so friendly and very helpful....but a born paparazzi....

Next!!! The auditors from Deloitte!!!
Shu Qi and Wan Jun....Pretty girls and nice friends...too bad we wont be meeting till maybe your farewell lunch..and thanks for today's lunch!!! Not consider an audit query is it???

Auditors don laugh so brightly so they do give lots of face here!!!

At Sakae!!! Wan Jun and her nice dress!
Oh i dont dare to take the pics of these people before they ask me for my blog address...but all 3 are my nice nice supervisors!!! Valerie, Yen San, Alvin!!!! The motivating factor that kept me going despite heavy workload!!!
Yeah post their pics one day!!!!

Lastly, Me and my sister cheryl!!!! 3 cheryls in a post!!! and dear sister..when you see this, it means i miss u!!! I was flipping thru and saw this farewell pics where only you me and shiyuan were ard...but lets take lots of pics on 9th!!!

Thats all for now..when my exam finish...i will do a part 2!!! Still many to come!!!