I didnt until recently...somehow somewhere it just kept happening around me...or should i say Happened!
I happened to board the bus when it stopped for me.
I happened to avoid climbing the fleet of stairs where Westei pre empted me this morning.
The weather was so hot and yet the train opened it's door for the longest awaiting for me to slowly walk in.
For no reasons, i realised that my negative was shot at the wrong iso and require a change of instruction and the lady at the shop still holds my negative for no reasons to just wait for my instructions.
I dropped my pass and a kind head of department just passed it back to me at my desk.
Everything just happened for a reason and thou its not in the form of an Angel..but somehow it makes you think..why did the bus driver stop for me? Why did westei msg me to tell me, why the lady delayed sending my negative for developing...
Everything seems so coincident and happened for a reason..haha
Im glad that all these little things appeared to save my day from misery!
Thanks ANGELS!

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