So my first setup of frontosa and brichardi was a disaster...i didnt even know i cant comm them together in a 2ft, given de aggressiveness. Back in the days...CF was still around, and i even gotten a few calvus which commited suicide by jumping out of the tank due to my poor PH control..and i didnt realise what is wrong.
Then last year, i saw Ectan mealegries pic...and i was so excited especially when he told me that these shellies can be house in smaller tank(which is my constraint) so i started in shellies and asked him for advice on how to achieve the higher PH level that coral chips cant do for me.
N then i started to get more n more shellies...from kenneth etc on multies and buying similis from NKS...
Although my mealegries and golden occellutus didnt work out multies and similis colony was getting bigger n bigger...until i had to buy new tanks just to house these 2 species.
recently i sold off my last 2 pieces of Discus and decide to go full force into tanga...using my last 2ft tank for them
I initially wanted to get fronts, leleupi, compressiceps and julie....and it just seems very ambitious to place them into a 2ft tank. Especially when Yaoyang offered me his free fronts...
But last nite when i went over to Ec place and saw his "gold head" stock and how he managed to com his multies with a breeding pair in his tank and how they co-exist well in the same tank while breeding...make me finally decide on what i should com with.
N v nice of him to release a pair of "Gold Head" for me, and i got his last 2 available mealegries(never enough for them) to com in the same tank...
And another 2 shellies which will not cross w mealegries
So enough of my long introduction, i will slowly post the pictures.
Lamprologus ornatipinnis kigoma

Fighting for shells, Mealegries

My compressicep Gold Head


My Multis tank

My Similis tank

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