Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A non-commission introduction

It all happened with my big mouth introduction of my Red GF1 that i somehow influenced my friend to get it.

Initially i felt quite good that my recommendation got thru to my friend but....this is just the start of a nightmare!

So happened that she has a thing for red color that she can foresake any price just to get a red color GF1 camera...and becos of this, somehow i was acting as the middle man with this guy whom i have coincidentally gotten mine from.

And she asked me countless questions that seems to be repeating over the same topic...
"So can this lens do this? Hmm....so the background blur?", "Will this camera be able to...." At times i seriously think she know the answer but...ermm..

Anyway, i thought that it would be the end when she decided to get it but somehow my fate played a trick on me and i don't even know why suddenly i am walking a long distance to meet the buyer for this camera.
N the worse part..its realli a long and humid walk....and finally paying for the cab.

I am glad that the whole buying process is over...ERM hopefully....

Anyway Congrats to my friend who has gotten this camera! Its a really good camera, and hope you will use it well. Time to throw the prosumer away!

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