Friday, April 12, 2013

Yet again...

Its seems like every year i would have to go thru the same old emotional times during the appraisal period. Last year was totally my own fault for not putting in enough effort and somehow or rather i managed to pass thru. I knew i was lucky. This year, i promised myself that the same thing should not happen again and while i put in double the effort, i was still penalised for an undelivered KPI that was due to some circumstances.

When my team had a turn over, i unselfishly took on another role despite the fact that my kpi was tag to a project..i knew that this thing would surface up one day irregardless what my supervisor has promised me and true enough it did...
Probably i had some psychic power, i dropped my boss a sms during the eve of the new year to spell things out and i was assured the appraisal will be done based on the new plans..

To be fair she did..but to the bigger bosses, things arent viewed in this manner

It happen almost immediately after the Board Budget, where your bosses started bringing out their "calculator" to calculate what you didnt fulfill...and its actions like this that probably demoralize you...

If KPI was so important and unflexible, they should have told me earlier, i would have been more selfish and ignore the team's fate...this seems to be the message sent to me..
Well i believed in an open talk and i least to the level that i can reach...staying passive and crying over spill water isnt just me.

To me, there was a promise made, an understanding..with my if things just didnt work out as per promised, then probably there is no reason to stay...and it does hurt ur integrity to continue to be submissive. There is also no reason for me to stay committed in value adding the organisation in any roles.

We shall see then....

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