Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fake Person

The title speaks for well as what i wanted to blog about tonight! I reckoned that i will need an airing space to whine about before i can sleep in peace tonight!

If you followed my blog, you will realized that i am pretty cautious in terms of complains, whine when you read this, most probably I have lost all my coolness and tolerance.

I purposely "Google" and found a list of descriptions in relative to Fake Person.
So this was what i found over the net,

1)One who acts like something they are not.
2)Someone who pretends to be/act/like/dislike things they really aren't in their heart.
3)Someone not truly being themselves. Acting as if they were someone else.
4)Someone who isn't true to their family and friends and makes up lies either about themselves (to make them look better or look worse) or about others.
5)Someone who is pleasant to someone in person, but talks behind their back. Also it is someone who presents themselves as the greatest person alive, but when you get to know them, they are pathetic and worthless. Someone who talks a lot, but cannot back up anything they say.

And to my dismay..i met one...and somehow i really don know why such a person exist. Wont they feel tired being someone that isn't them? I understand that at times you are forced by circumstances to be the unusual self...but constantly changing and behaving through the day, wont it be tiring?
You will need to remember every single words you spoke to this person so you won't burst the bubble..and imagine if you speak to countless people....

As much as i feel disgusted with them, i do pity them..i pity that they are not able to be true to others..and less to themselves. That is the worst thing that could happen. You lost your soul...lost it to lies! You dare not face the truth...and its a pity that no matter how good you may conceal...the bubble will burst one day...and you will end up living with just yourself...your fake personality since you have lost your true self!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Baby Lucas...the new member to our family

Today marks a day of celebration, with a new member in our family.
He is none other than my cute little nephew Lucas.
A big congrats to my sis and Bil, this cute little baby was born after torturing my sis for a straight 9 hrs in labor.

I went over to Mount Alvernia to take some pics of him with my small gf1. But quite a fair bit of limitation considering my better portrait lens are all for my DSLR and i didnt bring them.




The mother & son



My bro in law, looks very happy tonite!


Me and my family!

My 5th Uncle and his family came by for visiting!

And finally Lucas wakes up!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Time to plan

I think its another session for me to start thinking and do a little planning.
I seriously need to start saving up...and to build my own funds!

A weekend gathering could end up spending a crazy amount...and this hurts MY pocket. One of my major expenses that caused me to feel so heartpain is buying 4D. Its going to take me abit of courage to let it go and frankly speaking, i am not going to buy anymore 4D! Especially when i am spending on Something that i do not see any returns physically. Even when i strike some ibet, it will only encourage me to buy more. Sigh. Guess its really time to stop.

My CPF funds are picking up in the Unit trust market..starting to recoup what i have lost back in the recession days.

My only problem is to stop spending unnecessarily and start saving. I will stop buying anymore camera...XY says that i might have more camera and lenses than my clothes...problem is, i have too many hobbies and interest and every thing cost money.

With the opening of the new SCB account, i hope it will make me save more!

Eugene's Big Day

I seen both of them get together when they are in CAAS. I have seen how Eugene and Jessie treated each other. And now i witness their marriage!

I am glad i brought my GF1 along for some pics taking...
Eugene's place at 6.30am!

Eugene keep waving us away from his bed! Not supposed to touch it.


Brother Team! Funny great guys!

Bridal Car...ready to fetch the bride!

The Jie Mei Team!

Jessie's hug to the mum before leaving the house!

Back at Eugene's place

I like this gown...very flurry

Oh, it was coincidental that i gotten the bride's flower...and because of that, i was teased all the day...especially when i passed the flowers to Jialing(one of the Jie Mei)..
We left for hotel...
Me at the helper's room while waiting for the rest of the brother to reach!

At the Hotel Ballroom reception



I had a bet with Elyz...and i think i got it right...coaster and poker!


Guest arriving....the 3 ladies from commercial and Joshua from concession!

One of the brother, Ben and his wife!

And then it seems like a CAAS reunion dinner suddenly.
Margaret, Elyz and Liying

Shiyuan n Sista Cheryl

Elyz and Sheryl

The CAG finance team...where Fion and Jessie are the main highlight for this dinner since they have left the company. Think they are pretty stress that people might asked them alot of questions.

As usual, XY and her food..

Sheryl at another table!

GuoLiang and Shuyi...

Lester look v stun here!


Thank god, everything went smoothly for that night and guess by now, both of them are having their Honey Moon...
Let me wish the Couple here a Blissful Marriage and hope they will enjoy their trip!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Paying Shania a visit

It was very random that i decided to join the girls to pay Sherry a visit.
I think there was some traditional views that you are not suppose to visit people before the baby 1st month...but since im already quite "Suay", it doesnt make much difference!

Before i show the pics of Shania, here's Calyn...
She was still sleeping when we are at christine's place waiting for joyce's arrival.


Christine says that Calyn love to position her legs this manner whenever she wakes up...

She look abit blur when she saw us...

Love this shot i took..


Over at Sherry's place, Dave let the dogs out to play with her..
Quite a brave baby!

Look at her expression!

She wasnt afraid at all lo.


She love this bed alot...


And all these while, Shania was sleeping soundly.




And then she woke up....and thats where the crying started again....and back to sleep again...
