This special day for me is going to end in an hour time as i unwillingly accept my life past 30's and i thought i should write something that i felt through the past few days.
This year was actually a good year for me and all these were made happened by supports from friends, colleagues, bosses and family. I couldnt have done well in my career without Sheryl's support and guidance, without the mentoring from Cavin as well as my great team-mate shu yu's help.
Aside from the political struggles among the top management, my VP and CFO has been kind to me as well.
Colleagues from one division to another was really supportive of my work...even my lunch group brings joy to each lunch session we had...and this really lowered the amount of stress that i had..
And it is on this very day, when you realized how lucky you are....Friends who came out from nowhere offered their well wishes...and in fact, these are people whom i do not remember their birthday...I have to admit that unless it falls on a special day, if not, i wont have remembered anything. It just isn't me...and i hoped that most of my friends wont mind this....but if i know, i wont hide away from giving my well wishes..
I believed friendships are built on reciprocity for many and to some, its really more than asking and giving...
Important dates are not really that important...its really the thoughts that counts. Dates are just an excuse for greetings and meet if the basic greetings are purposely shunned away...then what is the meaning to be friends?
They always say this..
If you have a friend that calls u only when they feel bored and asked u to entertain them...then probably you are nothing more than a clown to them...
If you have a friend who feels bored and decided to call you out for a tea...then she/he really place you in her friendship listing.
If you have a friend that calls you when she/he is sad and ask u for a company thats are just a substitute...
If you have a friend that calls you when she/he is sad and confide in you then you found yourself a good buddy...
If you have a friend who will message you during their happy times, even on holidays, then that is a true friend...
And finally if you have a friend who always have you in mind even for the tiniest thing, then you are really lucky...
Definitions are a thin line but it makes a huge difference.
Im glad that i have friends from all of the above...and in fact lucky enough to have more than 1 of the last few categories of friends....
Family are relatively important...and to me, nothing can replace a family's care and concern...
My childhood wasnt a really happy one...the few good memories that i had on birthdays are things like my dad buying me stationery as a gift, mum cooking food and inviting relatives over, my god ma buying me my birthday present.
I'm not very well liked among my relatives. I dont have fanciful birthday parties, no big presents unlike my cousins..Birthday to me was boring..sad..and disappointment. The only thing that i still felt lucky was the family love that i have gotten...
And it was also then that i realized, instead of looking forward for gifts from others, why not earn it myself...
This really motivates me...and although now that im able to buy the things i like, i do look forward to little thoughtful presents from friends as well..its really the thoughts that counts.
I have colleagues(Mag) from another division buying me bubble tea today, Daryl who popped by my cubicle this afternoon..and Jen who messages me over gtalk...these are little gesture that touches me...even a simple handshake from many other colleagues....and to me these are things that i cant buy....and these are precious.
Dinner date with Bff and gangs next fri, Choy and Wendy whom blocked their time off today to just have dinner with me....n many others..these are really nice considerable gifts and gesture that brighten up my celebrations.
My dearest bosses who frantically looking for presents every year for me...stressed up when i refused to tell them what i want..haha...
So if you are sincerely wishing me that i would end my single life soon, i would love to as well, if i meet the right girl...but then since this is not something controllable, i will continue to enjoy my happy single days...:)