Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fake Person

The title speaks for well as what i wanted to blog about tonight! I reckoned that i will need an airing space to whine about before i can sleep in peace tonight!

If you followed my blog, you will realized that i am pretty cautious in terms of complains, whine when you read this, most probably I have lost all my coolness and tolerance.

I purposely "Google" and found a list of descriptions in relative to Fake Person.
So this was what i found over the net,

1)One who acts like something they are not.
2)Someone who pretends to be/act/like/dislike things they really aren't in their heart.
3)Someone not truly being themselves. Acting as if they were someone else.
4)Someone who isn't true to their family and friends and makes up lies either about themselves (to make them look better or look worse) or about others.
5)Someone who is pleasant to someone in person, but talks behind their back. Also it is someone who presents themselves as the greatest person alive, but when you get to know them, they are pathetic and worthless. Someone who talks a lot, but cannot back up anything they say.

And to my dismay..i met one...and somehow i really don know why such a person exist. Wont they feel tired being someone that isn't them? I understand that at times you are forced by circumstances to be the unusual self...but constantly changing and behaving through the day, wont it be tiring?
You will need to remember every single words you spoke to this person so you won't burst the bubble..and imagine if you speak to countless people....

As much as i feel disgusted with them, i do pity them..i pity that they are not able to be true to others..and less to themselves. That is the worst thing that could happen. You lost your soul...lost it to lies! You dare not face the truth...and its a pity that no matter how good you may conceal...the bubble will burst one day...and you will end up living with just yourself...your fake personality since you have lost your true self!

1 comment:

Elyzabeth said...

your obvious anger transcends in this entry. ha.